Designated Persons
Contacts for Safeguarding and Child Protection Issues
The Senior Designated Senior Leader (DSL) is Miss K. Scrivens (Headteacher)
The Deputy Designated Senior Leader 1 (DDSL) is Miss A. Gee (Assistant Headteacher)
The Deputy Designated Senior Leader 2 (DDSL) is Mrs Z. Shepherd
The Appointed Teacher for Looked after Children/Virtual School is Miss K. Scrivens (Headteacher)
The Appointed Teacher for SEND is Miss K. Russell (SENDCO)
The Designated Lead for Anti-Bullying is Mrs Z. Shepherd (FLW)
The Designated Link Governor for Safeguarding is
The Designated Link Governor for Anti-Bullying is
The Designated link Governor for Looked after Children is
The Nominated Governor for effective filtering and monitoring of IT and school devices is Mr D. Fisher (CofG)
The Senior Mental Health Lead is Miss K. Scrivens (Headteacher)
Mental Health Champions are Miss K. Russell (SENDCo) and Mrs Z Shepherd (FLW)
Other Pastoral Members who take responsibility for safeguarding are Mrs L. Gillott (SBM) and Mrs D. Price (Business Clerk)
The Early Help Lead is Mrs Z. Shepherd (FLW)
All of the above personnel can be contacted during school hours via:
Field House Infant School and Nursery
Lower Whitworth Road
Telephone: 0115 9324526
Some holiday support will be provided which you will be informed of via our Early Help Leaflet which is distributed prior to holiday periods.