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Field House Infant School and Nursery

Aspire and Believe to Achieve.

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Year One

Welcome to Marvellous Moles and Super Squirrels

Mrs Sansom, Mrs Stretton-Clarke and the team welcome you to Year 1! We look forward to sharing our learning with you this year.


Year 1 is the next stop on the learning journey after Reception. In Year 1, we start to learn from the National Curriculum and embrace all areas, with the goal of making each lesson exciting and enriching. 

During Year 1, the children will learn about many topics all centred around a global theme such as 'Saving our environment' and 'Our heritage'. These areas will be enriched by experiences such as a trip to the zoo, a coal mining workshop from the National Coal Mining Museum and parent partnership events. Year 1 aims to work on providing the children with some more independence and continuing their love of learning. 


For more information about the Year 1 curriculum, please see the 'curriculum' section of the website or click below on the topic overviews: 

Our PE days are Tuesday and Friday and we ask that all children come to school in their active school uniform on these days (grey joggers, sports shorts, skort or leggings, white t-shirt, royal blue jumper/ sweatshirt, black trainers).


We ask that children bring their book bag and water bottle every day.  


We communicate with parents and families through Dojo, with regular updates on current topics and learning happening in the classroom. 

Home Learning Expectations

The children are expected to practise core skills every week. 



  • Children are encouraged to read their decodable phonics book at least 5 times a week. 
  • Children share a 'choose it' book with their family to encourage reading for pleasure. 



  • Children will bring home the sounds they are learning that week to practise reading both in isolation and in words. 
  • Tricky words will also be given to read and spell. 



  • Weekly activities are linked to current teaching in maths to revise and revisit the key skills that have been learnt in the classroom. 

Don't forget we have an award's assembly every Friday morning. We choose a Bucket Filler of the Week, celebrate home achievements and reward our regular readers. The special bag goes home with each child who wins the Bucket Filler award. 
