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Field House Infant School and Nursery

Aspire and Believe to Achieve.

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School Meals

Since September 2014, all infant age children (reception, year 1 and 2) have been entitled to a free school meal each day.  The Derbyshire Catering Service ensures this daily meal is of a high standard, being nutritionally balanced and sourced from local food suppliers. We are fortunate to have an on-site kitchen, where Mrs Torton and her team prepare fresh healthy meals for the children daily. As such, we encourage all of our children to take up this offer.


If there are any specific dietary requirements, there is a form to complete which must be supported by GP or Nutritionist advice. This can be accessed via the link below or by contacting the school office.  In such cases, we will work closely with the catering team to ensure we can deliver a healthy alternative for your child.  More information can be found at:

Catering - school meals - Derbyshire County Council.


All children have an allocated half an hour time slot to eat their lunch.  During this time we encourage healthy eating and trying of new foods.  We also insist on good table manners.


More information about school meals can be accessed by following the link.

Primary food explorers - Derbyshire Catering Service

Parents can supply their child with a packed lunch but this must adhere to healthy standards. We are a healthy school community and ask parents to support us in this.  The leaflet below guides you through what a healthy packed lunch should include. 

If parents wish to change from home provided sandwiches to school provided hot lunches (or vice versa) we ask that the school is given two weeks' notice.  This is to ensure that the catering team can pre-order the correct amount of food required in advance. 
