Religious Education inspires children to reflect on their own beliefs, values and experiences and gain a greater empathy for the beliefs of others. It gives children the knowledge to develop an understanding of how the beliefs and cultural practices of the principle religions around the world shape the lives of people in our local community, our country and other countries.
At Field House, we follow Derbyshire and Derby City Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2020 - 2025 which was drawn up by the Derbyshire and Derby City Standing Advisory Councils for Religious Education. It is in line with statutory expectations and came into effect from September 2020. This Syllabus is attached below if you would like to read more.
We teach Religious Education as a discrete subject. Christianity is the main religion taught in every year group, but other religions are studied alongside. We believe that high-quality lessons should incorporate experiences which help the children to develop their thoughts and understanding, through visitors from different cultures and visits to places of worship.