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Field House Infant School and Nursery

Aspire and Believe to Achieve.

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At Field House, we believe all pupils are entitled to access a high quality, broad and balanced writing curriculum. We intend to motivate our pupils and to explore their imaginations with the aim that they should leave our school as confident communicators and engaging writers.

It is the aim of the school that every child should be enabled to develop a fluent, legible style of handwriting. Handwriting is a movement skill and we aim to achieve this through teaching directly by demonstration, explanation and practice. Our intention is that capital and lower-case letters should be used appropriately and the letter size should be consistent.

At Field House, we understand that literacy skills are essential to our ability to understand, interpret and communicate about the world and with each other. We aim to equip children with the skills necessary to do this, throughout the curriculum.


Furthermore, we aspire to develop the pupil’s understanding of questioning and language to build up a purposeful and meaningful vocabulary through topic-related rich texts that are at the core of our teaching.


Our aim is to equip children with the skills needed for written communication throughout their lives. Through writing, children can extend their imaginations, broaden their communication, learn to express abstract and complex ideas, develop reasoning and critical thinking skills.


Three key features of writing that we aim to develop are:


  1. Comprehension and composition
  2. Transcription
  3. Vocabulary, grammar and punctuation


In addition, we intend to support the children in acquiring a sound knowledge of spelling rules and patterns in order to become independent writers and to develop an ability to communicate their ideas effectively and confidently in both speech and writing. A successful piece of writing, achieved independently by the child, would combine these key compositional features plus recognisable spelling and legible handwriting.

The progression summary below shows you how the children will develop their writing skills across the year groups.

  • Distinguish between marks they make, giving meaning to them (including painting and drawing)
  • Hold pencil with thumb and two fingers (physical development)
  • Develop finger strength and wrist mobility (physical development)
  • Participate in Dough Disco and Squiggle whilst you Wiggle sessions
  • Show a preference for a dominant hand
  • Hold pencil with tripod grip with good control
  • Learn and apply the phonemes from phase 2 and 3 phonics
  • Link sounds to letters
  • Write clearly identifiable letters
  • Write own name and captions
  • Write irregular common words
  • Write simple sentences that can be read by themselves or others
  • Spell words containing 40+ phonemes already taught
  • Spell days of the week
  • Name letters of the alphabet
  • Become familiar with prefixes & suffixes - s, es, un, ed, er, est
  • Know simple spelling rules
  • Write sentences dictated by the teacher
  • Write sentences by saying out loud what they are going to write about
  • Compose a sentence orally
  • Sequence sentences by forming short narratives
  • Re-read to check it makes sense
  • Sit correctly at a table, holding pencil comfortably
  • Begin to form lower case letters correctly
  • Form capital letters
  • Form digits 0-9
  • Understand which letters belong to which handwriting families
  • Write sentences with different forms (questions, statements, exclamations, commands)
  • Write expanded noun phrases
  • Use present and past tense correctly
  • Use conjunctions (subordinating/co-ordinating)
  • Using punctuation correctly (full stops, exclamation marks, question marks, commas, apostrophes)
  • Write narratives
  • Write about real events
  • Write poetry
  • Write for different purposes
  • Create a plan before writing
  • Evaluate writing with teacher and peers
  • Re-read writing to check for sense 
  • Proof read spellings
  • Form capitals and lower case letters correctly

  • Join letters with diagonal and horizontal strokes 
  • Use correct/consistent sized letters and digits
  • Use appropriate spacing between words

