Embark Award
We are part of the Embark family of schools, which includes a number of other schools across the Derbyshire area. Children across the Embark schools all have the opportunity to work towards gaining the Embark Award. An Embark Award folder will be given to every child on admission to keep track of their achievements and store evidence. Once an award is complete, this folder is taken to the school office to be checked. Awards are presented by members of the Central Team at one of our special Awards Assembies.
The Embark Award is part of the trust’s commitment to the wider offer for our children. It is made up of 100 activities which our children can complete by the age of eleven. It is based around Embark Trust’s 4 core beliefs of:
As our children will leave our Infant school at age seven or eight, they possibly won't have time to complete all of the 100 activities before they leave. Infant children can aim to achieve their Bronze, Silver and Gold awards, by completing the number of activities below:
Bronze Award – 30 activities
Silver Award – 50 activities
Gold Award – 70 activities
The activities encourage family learning at home as well as school related activities. Evidence of an activity being completed can be in different forms such as photographs, certificates, posters, etc.
Each child is given their own folder during admission, in which to keep their evidence. Once an award is complete, the folder is brought into school with all the evidence, and office staff will place stickers on activities that have been achieved. If you need any help with achieving the activities, please contact the relevant school personnel.
The special Bronze, Silver and Gold awards will be presented during our weekly whole school awards assembly by Embark staff such as the CEO/ Deputy CEO.
We hope you will enjoy the different activities as much as your children and ourselves.
If you need another copy of the booklet, please ask your child's class teacher, or download a copy below.