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Field House Infant School and Nursery

Aspire and Believe to Achieve.

Get in Touch


Welcome to Outstanding Owls and Remarkable Rabbits


Mrs Knight, Mrs Palmer and the team welcome you to Reception! We look forward to getting to know your child and helping them as they begin their learning journey as part of 'big school'. Moving into Reception is an exciting stage in your child's learning journey and our aim is to provide an enabling and stimulating environment in which your child feels happy to explore and learn. 

During this year we will experience lots of play- based learning as well as more structured carpet sessions. We endeavour to provide as many real life experiences for the children in their learning, which include cooking, gardening, trips and visitors. We provide high quality activities and provision which supports the children's learning, ensuring that it is both challenging and enjoyable. 


For more information about the Reception Curriculum, please see the Curriculum section of the website or click below on the topic overviews. 

Our PE day is on Friday and we ask that all children come to school in their active school uniform on this day (grey/ black joggers, sports shorts, skort or leggings, white t-shirt, royal blue jumper/sweatshirt, black trainers). We ask that children bring their book bag and water bottle every day.


We communicate with parents and families through Class Dojo, with regular updates on current topics and learning happening in the classroom. 

Home Learning Expectations

The children are expected to practise core skills every week.                                                                              


  • Children are encouraged to read their decodable phonics books at least 5 times a week.  
  • Children share a 'choose it' book with their family to encourage reading for pleasure. 
  • Lists of 'tricky words' to learn can be found in the front the reading diary.

Mark making and writing

  • Children complete mark making and writing activities linked to the phonemes and graphemes learnt in class each week. 


  • Weekly activities are linked to the current teaching in maths to revise and revisit the key skills that have been learnt in the classroom.  

Outdoor Learning


At Field House Infant School and Nursery we have a stimulating and engaging outdoor area, which enables our children to learn about the world around them by accessing purposeful and high- quality resources. Children spend time in the outdoors to investigate the awe and wonder of the natural world, take part in problem solving tasks and explore large scale movements and activities. 

We hope that children and parents enjoy their time in Reception as we learn and grown together! 


The Reception Team: Mrs Knight, Mrs Palmer, Mrs Cresswell and Miss Bennett. 
