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Field House Infant School and Nursery

Aspire and Believe to Achieve.

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At Field House, we recognise the importance of science in providing the foundations for understanding the world. All pupils are taught key knowledge and concepts, are encouraged to explain different processes and supported to develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena. As one of the core subject, we give the teaching and learning of science the prominence it requires.


Through our topics, we enable the children to experience and observe phenomena and look closely at the natural and human world around them. We encourage them to be curious and ask questions about what they notice. They are helped to develop their understanding of scientific ideas by using different types of scientific enquiry to answer their own questions, including:


  • observing changes over a period of time
  • noticing patterns
  • grouping and classifying things
  • carrying out simple tests
  • finding things out using different sources of information


We also develop the children's use of simple scientific language to talk about what they have found out and communicate their ideas.  This includes reading and spelling scientific vocabulary at a level consistent with their increasing word-reading and spelling knowledge.


Most of the learning about science is done through the use of first-hand practical experiences, with a range of secondary sources, such as books, photographs and videos used to complement.

The progression summary grid below shows how scientific skills, knowledge and understanding develop across the year groups.

  • Understand the world
  • Notice features in the environment
  • Comment on what they find in the natural environment
  • Show care and concern for living things
  • Talk about changes such as growth, decay and changes over time
  • Comment and ask questions about the natural world
  • Discuss things they've observed such as plants, animals, natural and found objects
  • Show care for living things and the environment
  • Look at similarities and differences in relation to objects, materials and living things
  • Discuss patterns and change and why they may occur
  • Ask questions, perform simple tests, observe, interpret observations and data
  • Identify plants and flowers
  • Observe differences in evergreen and deciduous trees
  • Explore the structure of plants and flowers
  • Identify, describe and classify common animals and fish
  • Talk about the senses
  • Label basic parts of the body
  • Identify materials, describe their properties and compare and group them
  • Name the four seasons and the weather associated with them
  • Explore day length
  • Ask simple questions
  • Perform simple tests
  • Identify and classify into different groups
  • Use observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions
  • Gather and record data to help answer questions
  • Identify animals that are carnivore or herbivore
  • Know about animal life cycles 
  • Find out and describe basic needs for survival (i.e. water, food, air)
  • Describe the importance for humans of exercise, balanced diet and hygiene
  • Explore and compare living things
  • Identify different habitats 
  • Identify and name plants and animals in their habitats 
  • Describe how animals obtain their food from plants and other animals (on land and in sea)
  • Observe and describe how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants
  • Find out and describe what plants need to grow and stay healthy
  • Identify and compare the suitability of different materials for a particular use
  • Find out about how the shape of solid objects can be changed 

