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Field House Infant School and Nursery

Aspire and Believe to Achieve.

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PSHE is central to giving pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives and to become informed and responsible British citizens. It underpins our curriculum and is woven through all areas of school life.


We want all pupils at Field House to recognise their own value, work well with others and become increasingly responsible for their own learning. We foster positive attitudes which promote:


  • Health and wellbeing – valuing their own identity, managing risks and making safe decisions
  • Relationships - respecting difference and diversity, forming effective, fulfilling relationships that are essential to life and learning
  • Living in the wider world – contributing to school life and the community
  • Seek out others to share experiences
  • Develop some special friendships
  • Develop role play ideas with others, initiating play with them
  • Name feelings
  • Follow routines and expectations
  • Respond to needs and wishes of others
  • Separate from carers
  • Express own interests and preferences
  • Talk about home / community
  • Respond to praise, enjoys responsibility of small tasks
  • Know they have a right to learn and play, safely and understand that hands can be used kindly and unkindly

  • Know that some people are different from themselves and what is special about themselves including that they do not have to be 'the same as' someone else to be their friend

  • Name some emotions such as happy, sad, frightened, angry and how these emotions can be expressed

  • Know that being kind is good and which words are kind and why having friends is important and some qualities of a positive friendship 

  • Know what a challenge and/or a goal is, how to set a goal , when a goal has been achieved and that it is important to keep trying

  • Know some jobs that they might like to do when they are older and that they must work hard now in order to be able to achieve the job they want when they are older

  • Know what the word ‘healthy’ means and some things that they need to do to keep health including when and how to wash their hands, that they need exercise to keep health and how to help themselves to go to sleep

  • Know the names for some parts of their body

  • Recall how to say no to strangers and what to do if they get lost. 

  • Understand what a family is and that different people in a family have different responsibilities (jobs)

  • Know some of the characteristics of healthy and safe friendships and that  friends sometimes fall out and how they can mend a friendship

  • Understand that unkind words can never be taken back and they can hurt

  • Know the names and functions of some parts of the body  and that we grow from baby to adult

  • Know who to talk to if they are feeling worried and that sharing how they feel can help solve a worry

  • Know that remembering happy times can help us move on


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How the Jigsaw programme meet the Personal, Social and Emotional Development Early Learning Goals.

  • Understand their own rights and responsibilities with their classroom and that their choices have consequences and the feelings associated with positive and negative consequences.
  • Recognise that their opinions matter and that they are safe in their classroom. Determine beneficial behaviours that will make the classroom a safe place.
  • Recognising their uniqueness. Recognise how it feels to be proud of an accomplishment. 
  • Know what bullying means and who to tell if they or someone else is being bullied or is feeling unhappy 
  • Know that people are unique and that it is OK to be different
  • Understand how to set simple goals and how to achieve them, including how to identify barriers that make reaching their goals difficult and how to overcome them, as well as when a goal has been met.
  • Know the difference between being healthy and unhealthy and some ways to keep healthy including how to make healthy lifestyle choices 
  • Know that all household products, including medicines, can be harmful if not used properly and that medicines can help if they feel poorly 
  • Know how to keep safe when crossing the road
  • Understand how to keep themselves clean and healthy, as well as how germs cause disease/illness. 
  • Know about people who can keep them safe
  • Know that everyone’s family is different  and that families are founded on belonging, love and care
  • Know that physical contact can be used as a greeting 
  • Know who to ask for help in the school community
  • Names male and female private body parts and which parts of the body are private and that they belong to that person and nobody has the right to hurt these.
  • Understand the rights and responsibilities they have as a class member, as well as the need of listening to others because all perspectives are significant. Understand the concept of rewards and consequences, and how they are the result of choices. Recognise that positive choices have a positive impact on both self-learning and the learning of others
  • Identifying hopes and fears for the year ahead
  • Know the difference between a one-off incident and bullying and where to get help if being bullied. Understand that sometimes people get bullied because of difference
  •  Know that friends can be different and still be friends and that there are stereotypes about boys and girls  and that it is OK not to conform to gender stereotypes; it is good to be yourself 
  • Understand how to choose a realistic goal and consider how to achieve it, as well as the importance of perseverance. Understand how to share achievement with others.
  • Know how to recognise what working together well looks like and what good group-working looks like
  • Know what their body needs to stay healthy and why healthy snacks are good for their bodies and which  foods give their bodies energy
  • Know that it is important to use medicines safely and how medicines work in their bodies 
  • Understand what makes them feel comfortable or stressed
  • Recognise that there are several types of physical contact within a family and how to stop it if someone is hurting them.
  • Learn the difference between good and worry secrets, as well as the importance of sharing worry secrets
  • Recognise that every family is unique and that families function best when there is trust, respect, care, love, and cooperation. 
  • Know some reasons why friends have conflicts and that  friendships have ups and downs and sometimes change with time
  • Use the correct terminology for body parts (including genitalia) and name the physical differences between male and female bodies, as well as the importance of private body parts and the fact that no one has the right to harm them.
  • Know who to turn to for help if they are frightened. Understand that there are several sorts of touch and that some are appropriate while others are not.
  • Be aware that life cycles exist in nature, that ageing, including old age, is a natural process, and that some changes are beyond an individual's control. Understand how their bodies have changed since they were babies and how they will continue to change as they age.


Our PSHE/ RSE policy is available on this website. This link takes you straight to the policies section of our website:

Policies | Field House Infant School

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