Our School Day
Start of the day
Outdoor areas are open for parents/carers and children to arrive ready for the start of the school day which is 8.45am.
Each year group has a different entry point. The children will be greeted at their allocated entrance by a teacher and/or teaching and learning assistant each day.
Our school day starts officially at 8:45am and any children who arrive after 8:50am will be marked as late. After the register closes at 9:15am, children who arrive will be marked as having had an unauthorised absence.
Morning lessons
Generally, children learn about Core Subjects in the morning, this includes the following:
- Phonics
- Reading
- Writing
- Maths
Children in Key Stage 1 have one 15 minute break per day during the morning session. They eat their healthy piece of fruit during this break. Early years children access outdoor learning throughout the day.
We have an assembly every day for the school children, following the timetable below:
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
9.15am | 9:15am | 9:15am | 9:15am | 9:00am |
Local, national and international events | British Values and Protected Characteristics | PSHE/RSHE | Curriculum Characters | Awards Assembly |
Lunch has a slightly staggered start to reduce queuing. Most children eat in the hall, but we also have 'The Burrow', a quieter space for any children who find the busyness of the hall hard to manage:
- Nursery (30 hours): 11.45am - 12.15pm
- Reception: 11:50am - 1:00pm
- Year 1: 11.55am -1.00pm
- Year 2: 12.00pm - 1.00pm
A range of equipment is used during the lunch time period alongside free play and organised games. We also have a quiet indoor space and a landscaped outdoor space for calm play and activities.
All our Teaching and Learning Assistants cover half an hour of the lunch session and we also have three dedicated lunch staff. A member of the Senior Leadership Team is also on duty each day.
Afternoon lessons
After lunch, children mainly learn about the Foundation Subjects:
- History / Geography
- Art & Design / Design & Technology
- PE
- Computing
- Music
More information about the curriculum can be found following the link:
End of the day
The school day ends at 3:15pm. The children are collected from the same place they enter each morning.
Any children who are not collected on time will be taken to the school office to wait for an approved adult to collect.