Our Curriculum
Curriculum Intent
Our intention at Field House, is for all our children to become successful, lifelong learners in all areas of the curriculum. We want them to develop personal interests, grow individual talents and become informed citizens of the world in which we live. Our curriculum is created to equip our children with skills, knowledge and understanding that will help them succeed in life at school, life in the community of Ilkeston, Derbyshire, and life as a global citizen of the wider world.
At Field House we are passionate about providing the children with a rich, broad and balanced curriculum. We give them a wide range of exciting, first-hand experiences to promote an understanding of the world around them. We help the children develop independent skills and self-belief. We strive to engage the children, helping them become curious learners who actively engage with all challenges and opportunities offered.
This will be achieved through teaching the Early Years Framework / National Curriculum knowledge and skills which have been linked to EMBARK’s six Global Themes. This will also be achieved through developing the school’s three core values: Be kind, Work Hard, Believe, alongside the four core beliefs of EMBARK: Family, Integrity, Teamwork, Success.
Curriculum Overview
- Reading has a huge focus within each year group and we teach daily phonics sessions and three weekly reading sessions from Reception onwards, following the Little Wandle revised Letters and Sounds government approved Systematic Synthetic Phonics scheme.
- Writing also has high prominence and spelling and handwriting skills are taught within phonics lessons. We also follow Embark's writing sequence to ensure quality teaching and learning of writing skills.
- Mathematics is taught daily from Reception onwards. In Reception, we follow the Mastering Number Scheme for number and numerical patterns sessions. Shape, space and measures are taught using different resources. Maths resources are also used across the provision, in all areas of learning. In Key Stage One we follow the NCETM Number Spines. Year 1 and Year 2 children also have a daily, short Mastering Number session to build fluency in calculation and a confidence and flexibility with number.
- RE follows the Derbyshire Agreed Syllabus, with standalone lessons taught weekly in Reception, Year One and Year Two. In Nursery, aspects of RE are taught across the areas of learning.
- PE is taught discretely, following Complete PE Games and Gymnastics planning to develop physical skills. Nursery have one dedicated physical development lesson per week alongside their daily access to this both indoors and out. Key Stage One pupils have two quality PE lessons per week, additional to 45 minutes of daily outdoor, active play.
- PSHE/RSHE is taught weekly in school, following the Jigsaw scheme from Reception onwards. Nursery cover aspects of PSED across all areas of provision.
- Music is taught weekly in school, following the Charanga programme.
- Interconnected subjects (Science, History, Geography, Art and Design, Design and Technology) are taught through a half-termly topic, specifically selected to engage, ensure coverage and breath, deepen development of skills, knowledge and understanding, and make learning memorable.
- Although Computing is taught through the Teach Computing scheme, links are made to the overall topic and other subjects.
- This is the same for Dance, which is resourced from BBC's Let's Move and Time to Move programmes, with lessons chosen that link to the topic under study.
- Local area learning has a large focus, capitalising on the rich heritage the school building and grounds and it's locality, Ilkeston.
You can gain more information about our curriculum by reading the overarching Curriculum Policy below or by following the links to key stage and/or subject specific information.
If you want to learn more about what your child learns at school each day, click on the links below for each key stage or subject.
If you want to find out more about the curriculum we are following, please contact your child's class teacher or subject leader given below.
Curriculum Leaders
Subject | Subject Lead |
Art & Design | M Carey-Parsons |
Computing | E Palmer |
Design & Technology | M Carey-Parsons |
English | A Gee |
Geography | K Edwards |
History | A Sansom |
Mathematics | R Stretton-Clarke |
Music | K Scrivens |
PE and Sport | N Knight |
PSHE/RSE | K Russell |
Religious Education | N Knight |
Science | K Edwards |